
Kry BVC Triangeln

Welcome to our children’s healthcare centre at Triangeln. You will be invited to visit us for health checks, doctor’s appointments and vaccinations right up until the start of school. We can also respond to questions and offer support and advice about your role as a parent. Our paediatric nurses have many years of experience treating children and will be a reliable contact for you and your family.

Call and book an appointment

Opening hours




040-643 44 00


Spångatan 1

21144 Malmö

Find us

Du kan lista ditt barn genom att logga in hos 1177 eller besöka vår mottagning. Om ni besöker oss kan vi samtidigt visa er runt och berätta mer om oss.

Som förälder kan du själv välja vilken barnavårdscentral du vill lista ditt barn hos. Vi på Kry BVC arbetar efter nationella barnhälsovårds- och vaccinationsprogrammet, och har lång erfarenhet av barnsjukvård. Vi ser till att du och ditt barn får stödet och vården just ni behöver.

What we're offering

Dependable and experienced staff

Our experienced children’s nurses are here to help you and your family every step of the way. We can offer you advice and support about parenting.

A modern and playful environment

We designed our children’s health centres to make sure every child feels safe and secure. Our children’s health centres are often located in the same modern premises as our clinics.

Video appointments with our children’s nurses

If you want to learn more about our children’s health centres, book a video call to meet our nurses and take a look around.

Directions to Kry BVC Triangeln

Spångatan 121144 MalmöDirection